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Research & Development

Developing Together

We have three main circles in the Experiential Learning Community.

Formal Education Circle

Non-formal Education Circle

Academy Circle

Every year, educators in this circle come together and decide together in which areas research, development and dissemination activities will be carried out that year.  You can join our community and start producing with us in the circles.

Experiential Learning Workshops

We organise face-to-face or online Experiential Learning Workshops in different cities of Turkey. We provide these workshops free of charge to groups of teachers, academics or trainers for the dissemination of Experiential Learning.  If you want to request a workshop as an educational institution or group, you can contact us using our contact form.

Translation into Turkish

We are working with volunteers in our community to translate Experiential Learning into Turkish. On the website DENEYİMSELÖĞRENME.COM, we translate theoretical information into Turkish and create a collective library where we compile education and learning methods.  We have translated Kolb's 9 Learning Style Classification and Educator Role Profile Classification into Turkish. We are also working on the translation of books on Experiential Learning. 

Quality Frameworks

We create quality frameworks in order to improve the quality of Experiential Learning practices. We have developed a qualitative scale that evaluates the compatibility of a non-formal education programme with experiential learning. We have created a living document on the Experiential Learning Trainer competence and competence framework. You can visit our Quality Frameworks page for all our quality studies. You can join us and contribute to our standardisation efforts.


We conduct a wide range of research studies in the field of education. We published a study analysing the results of the application of Kolb's revised Learning Styles Inventory to more than 1300 people in Turkey. Within the scope of our international projects, we conduct research on many different subjects in which we adapt Experiential Learning and produce evidence-based information.

Content Development

We develop content and methods to contribute to the field of Experiential Learning. For example, we have developed a debriefing model for the debriefing process. We also develop content and methods in areas where experiential learning is integrated. For example, we have developed a framework for adapting Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed to Digital Literacy trainings for older adults. You can visit our Publications page for more content.


You can visit EXPERIANTA.COM website, which brings together people and organisations working in the field of Experiential Learning in Turkey with their stakeholders in different countries, and you can be a part of the international community. In addition, we encourage educators, civil society workers and volunteers from different circles to meet and collaborate with our online and face-to-face meetings. You can join our monthly online gatherings and meet other friends from different circles.

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